The brand name SERVOX is worldwide known as a synonym for high
quality speech aids and other innovative products for laryngetomised
and tracheomised patients.
Servox is a market leader and has supplied over 250 machines across
. XL autonomy (extended battery performance; up to 50% more talk time than previous model)
.XL flexibility (possibility to use standard AAA Batteries)
.Variability of the sound nuances Two screw caps of Servox® Digital XL offer additional customization
of the sound nuances with the hard and soft screw cap you will find the right tone
.Combined setting of the buttons to provide volume and Speech melody to suit individual needs
through adjustment with special software
.Variety in application (Mouth tube adapters) gives an
opportunity to use the Servox® Digital XL speech aid
immediately after a surgery or during a radiation therapy
.Smart Charging Management The new highend
charger of
SERVOX Digital XL is easy to handle and has an integrated
port to charge external devices simultaneously with
.Individuality with sound frequency and quality The SERVOX®
Digital XL speech aid offers the possibility to adjust and save a
variety of individual settings. A more advanced finetuning
the sound parameters can be done with the help of our
software, designed specifically for this purpose
Duo Align™ AIO Baseplate (Full Body System) | Cadet AIO Baseplate with SBRT | O Type AIO Baseplate(HexaPOD™) |
Multifix AIO Baseplate | Klarity SRS System | SBRT System | AccuCushions | MRSafe Positioning Products | Breast Positioning |
Head & Neck Positioning | Pelvic Positioning | Vacuum Cushions | CT Flat Carbon Fibre Couch Top | MRI Medibord Flat Couch Top |
Digital Water Bath | Thermoplastic Masks | Custom Blocking | Secondary Standard Dosimeter | TLD Reader | Radiation Monitoring |
A2J Horus Mobile Laser System | Gold Fiducial Markers | Patient Markers | Patient Shielding | RIT | Diagnostic Radiology |
CIRS Dynamic Thorax Phantom | Radiology QA Tools & Phantoms | Servox Speech Aid Device | Medical Imaging Tables |