CT Flat Carbon Fibre Couch Top
Carbon Fiber flat couch tops securely lock onto a cradle,
providing a surface consistent with treatment couch
tops. They are lightweight and durable, allowing them to
be easily removed or reinserted for use on nondedicated
imaging machines. The attachment mechanics
ensure that once the top is reinserted on the cradle, it
will be level and stable throughout the imaging process.
Overlays are made of carbon fiber. All overlays have
marking for indexing identical to Linac Couch Top. Provides reproducibility of patient positioning during treatment on Linear Accelerator.
The following Overlay options are available:
1. Hitachi Pronto
2. Philips Large Aperture
3. Philips Aquilion
4. Toshiba Ac16
5. Philips ECT with 16 rows small aperture
6. Philips Digital Diagnost - DR
7. GE light speed VCT
8. GE PET/CT Discovery VCT
9. GE BrightSpeed with 4 rows
10. Siemens Somatom Sensation
11. Siemens Somatom Definition
12. Custom Design
Duo Align™ AIO Baseplate (Full Body System) | Cadet AIO Baseplate with SBRT | O Type AIO Baseplate(HexaPOD™) |
Multifix AIO Baseplate | Klarity SRS System | SBRT System | AccuCushions | MRSafe Positioning Products | Breast Positioning |
Head & Neck Positioning | Pelvic Positioning | Vacuum Cushions | CT Flat Carbon Fibre Couch Top | MRI Medibord Flat Couch Top |
Digital Water Bath | Thermoplastic Masks | Custom Blocking | Secondary Standard Dosimeter | TLD Reader | Radiation Monitoring |
A2J Horus Mobile Laser System | Gold Fiducial Markers | Patient Markers | Patient Shielding | RIT | Diagnostic Radiology |
CIRS Dynamic Thorax Phantom | Radiology QA Tools & Phantoms | Servox Speech Aid Device | Medical Imaging Tables |