Meditronix Corporation

ISO 9001:2015 certified company +91-120-2406096

Nuclear Medicine - Radiopharmaceutical Synthesisers

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PET Tracer Synthesizer
AllinOne is the only platorm which fully meets the needs and even exceeds the expectations of both research and production environments.

The cutting-edge solution for tracer production and development
• For 18F, 11C and radiometals
• High yields
• Open sotware
• GMP compliant
• Plug and play operation

Dimensions and requirements
55 x 44 x 40 cm / 21,7 x 17,3 x 15,8 inch
• 100240VAC,5060Hz, 600 Wats peak
• Compressed air: 6 to 10 bars (85 to 140 PSI)
• Nitrogen: 6 to 10 bars (85 to 140 psi)
• Network connection RJ‐45

Main Features
•Synthesis, built‐in radio HPLC and final formulation
• Requires only one small hot cell
• Disposable cassettes
• Consistent yields and affordable operating cost
• Taylored for research, process optmization
• Taylored for cGMP and for routine clinical tracer producon
• Flexible graphical process sequence editing
• Small footprint, saves laboratory and hot cell space
• Controlled user access, extensive log book, version control
• Efficient remote diagnostic and support
• Dedicated team at your service

Nuclear Medicine Radiopharmaceutical Synthesisers in India PET Tracer Synthesizer Atulaya Healthcare, Dera Bass

AllinOne is configurable to match your current needs while remaining easily upgradable with simple plugins as your requirements increase, without any change in software or footprint.

AllinOne can be delivered, with 18 to 36 actuators that can spin the three‐way valves to any posion including fully closed and with up to 5 syringe drivers, featuring posion, speed and pressure control/feedback, one or more heaters with fast cooling capability, strong pinch valves for high pressure reactions, several gas inlet and exhaust ports, freely posionable sub mCi senisitve radia on detectors and with external I/Os to control external instruments directly from the software.
[18F]FCholine PET Diagnosis
Radio Tracer
Chemicals Petrochemicals
Synthesis Set
Mineral Resources
Nucleophilic Process
Textile RawMaterials
Installed at: 
• Atulaya Healthcare, Dera Bassi
• I.B.A., Noida
• Shreeji, Mumbai
• Shreeji, Manesar
• Apollo, Hyderabad
• GMC, Guwahati